Rezervoare cilindrice FD-L

Rezervoare cilindrice FD-L

The type FD-L is the largest tank in our product range. The large shape of the mounting bridge offers space for various objects. Our FD-L is made of “LLD-PE (low-linear density polyethylene) and is chemically resistant, UV- stabilized and food safe. This type is absolutely seamless with a smooth inner surface and has a high wall thickness. Dosing tanks in white (transparent) and black are available on stock.

TypeOuter-ØmmLid typeHeight mmVolume litersFisa tehnica
FD-L 11001210CPM-41013401100Descarca
FD-L 14001100CPM-41016601400Descarca
FD-L 17001210CPM-41017151700Descarca
FD-L 20001310CPM-41017152000Descarca
FD-L 20501210CPM-41020202050Descarca
FD-L 24001310CPM-41020052400Descarca
FD-L 25001470CPM-41017152500Descarca
FD-L 30001470CPM-41020203000Descarca
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